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Which companies will survive the pandemic?

The commercial and economic inactivity that accompanies the measure of social isolation in search of decreasing the spread of COVID-19 has forced many companies, both large and small, to reinvent themselves and see in chaos an opportunity to cover a market that was perhaps not considered or did not know how to explore.

There comes the term digitization, which is undoubtedly on everyone’s lips, since it became synonymous with survival for both entrepreneurs and consumers. Now, we spend 90% of our time in front of screens, we work from a computer, we socialize by means of a cell phone and spend our free time in networks or in front of a TV. That is, we are forcibly living a totally digital age.

There are more than 1.5 million contagious cases in the world with nearly half a million in the United States alone, meaning that this virus marks a before and after in life and talking about the end of the pandemic or revival of the economy is somewhat irresponsible.

What can you expect?

Digitization doesn’t mean cutting edge, but adaptation. At the end of the story will be the companies that manage to adapt their businesses, products and services. Those that will survive this or another crisis, since in the end it will only consist of optimizing resources to obtain the best results that the supply and demand behavior of the moment can offer.

Where do we begin?

To adapt the strategy of a business it is not necessary to have a large budget. It is possible to start small to achieve a satisfactory result, but the first step will always be customer service.

Both the acquisition of new customers and the maintenance of existing customers will determine each step to be followed by the company. That is, it must be ensured that the consumer receives the product or service. More importantly, that they are satisfied with what they buy. The acquisition is based on taking advantage of the margin of customers dissatisfied with the competition, so that they invest in what we offer.

For this, the best strategy is to have the support of a Contact Center. These companies, specialized in offering response services, are the best ally to ensure consumer satisfaction, since they offer customer service to the implementation of campaigns for the recruitment of new customers at very low costs and with quality assurance.

Once customer service, passion and product are covered, they are the factors that must meet the standards to achieve positioning and maintenance in the market.

What about businesses that were already digitized?

As mentioned in another article, digitizing does not only refer to a website. Although we must make as much use of E-commerce as possible, there are companies that offer intangibles, for whom the solution is the same as the previous question.

For example, what does a law office that was forced to suspend the contracts of assistants, secretaries or receptionists due to low cash flow do?

Transfer your services to a Contact Center, With a friendly negotiation, it is possible to get clients in the attorney’s office to find a 24/7 answer at a low cost, feel supported and know the ins and outs of the details of your case, while the attorney has the peace of mind of not losing calls and keeping an up-to-date schedule.

The Grandio Center is a company with more than 13 years of experience offering services to American companies that direct their services to the Latin market. In us, find the help necessary to adapt your business to the demand of the current market.

Don’t let your business stop! In us, find your best ally to face the crisis. We evolve with you.

Call us at (347) 943-2545 and live a Grandio experience. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to find out about our news.

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