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Does your company need a Contact Center during the crisis?

The short answer is: Yes! The recent crisis generated globally by the Covid-19 pandemic has forced all types of companies to digitize their businesses and offer, by non-face-to-face channels, the products and services that define their brand. But why?

It is simple, because of social isolation, this measure recommended by OMS and adopted by hundreds of countries worldwide, seems to be the only appropriate strategy to stop or at least minimize the infectious rate of the virus. This, in turn, means a change in the consumption habits and behaviour of both established and potential customers to which your company must adjust.

Therefore, we move on to ordering our food by Apps, meeting with friends by video conference, receiving medical assistance and obtaining legal advice through calls, closing businesses through emails, and spending most of our day using technological tools that allow us to follow the course of our life on a regular basis.

For this reason, it is time to adapt quickly. The crisis itself means that we can’t keep doing the same thing. At a time when you’re surely experiencing a significant drop in your sales, you should ask yourself 2 questions:

1. How to mitigate the crisis in my business?
2. How do I keep my service/product current?

For both situations, the answer is digitization. Yes, you may think that you already have a website, but that’s not all. Digitization also includes the evolution of your service/product, its distribution channels and, of course, your responsiveness to customers.

It is in this last item that the Contact Center comes into play, since they are companies that focus on providing virtual assistance services, ranging from call response and customer service to the implementation of campaigns that make your business known to a large number of people through phone calls and other digital tools at a very low cost compared to what it might mean to implement this type of care on your own.

These companies offer you the opportunity to centralize communication and attention to your customers in one place with the quality assurance you need.

Crisis aside, the service offered by Contact Centers seems like the kind of service you should be constantly in with good reason. Only during the crisis, your brand goes through a fire test in which multiple aspects of your business are evaluated to determine your continuity in the competition.

So, what should I do during the crisis?

  • Mainly digitizing customer service. A complete response service will allow you to accurately identify the needs of your established and potential customers to offer them a tailored service.
  • Generate content according to the need of your customers. Remember that the crisis is the time to demonstrate adaptability.
  • Track the evolution of the crisis, so you can generate strategies according to the situation.
  • Assess your company’s ability to respond to the crisis.
  • Remember that evaluating and implementing strategies on time will increase the likelihood that once the crisis passes your business will stand.

    At the Grandio Center, we have the necessary tools to adapt your business to the current market. We understand your business and take care of providing the best and most economical response service, complying with the necessary security parameters.

    Don’t let your business come to an end. In us, find your best ally to face the crisis. We evolve with you.

    Call us at (347) 943-2545 and live a Grandio experience. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to find out about our news.

    You may also be interested in: Presence and Digital Attention, the Cure for the Current Crisis

