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Call Centers-the solution to the small business crisis

The Coronavirus Pandemic forces different sectors of the economy to reinvent itself in the spirit of remaining active. Call Centers and Contact Centers are the best alternatives to staying in business.

Since the Coronavirus Pandemic took over the world, there have been many questions flooding the population of different countries. One of the most frequent being,” What will happen to the economy?”. At Grandio Center, we have tried to carry out an analysis from different points of view and the conclusion is not very encouraging.

As of several weeks ago, New York has become the epicenter of the pandemic. To date, the United States has 10,000 times more contagious cases than China, where the disease originated. Alarming figures indicate that North American businesses, which are not considered a necessity, will take a longer time to achieve their reactivation; taking into consideration that just a week ago, China raised quarantine allowing the reactivation of some businesses with acute restrictions.

What is The solution?

Reinvent yourself! For all types of businesses, no matter the size, this virus has impacted the way they are managing their finances along with the relationships with customers, suppliers and employees. According to Mody’s Analitycs, around 80 million jobs in the United States are expected to be at risk.

If we take into account that there are currently more than 800,000 contagious cases in the territory, in addition to OMS’ comment that “until there is a vaccine against the virus, the only effective measure against the pandemic is social isolation”, we can conclude that the reinvention of companies must revolve around digitization. For example, buying both prepared and raw food from our homes , Telemedicine, virtual education, online entertainment, thus the migration of 80% of the productive sectors to interactive platforms and other trade channels.

To achieve this reinvention, the priority is contact with customers. Therefore, answering their calls is fundamental to the operation of the business. As the title of this article states, “If we focus on small businesses and enterprises, we might find that the staff they have for their operation is, in some cases, less than necessary. Furthermore, with the needs of the business and the crisis, there is not enough time or money to establish an internal customer service center.

This is the moment in which these companies should consider other alternatives. The most effective being the implementation of a Call Center or Contact Center that manages the needs of potential and established customers who need their product or service.

While the number of platforms businesses have on hand to communicate with their customers is huge, the personalized and immediate call is still essential to consumers. Having a Call Center like Grandio, solves missed calls, long online wait times, limitations in business hours , language barriers and other variants that may compromise your company.

Grandio is a Contact Center with more than 13 years of experience offering customizable solutions, in addition to traditional response center services. The virtual support that will allow you to optimize the times and processes of your business.

We offer our services to American companies which direct their services toward the Latin market. In Grandio, find the help and support necessary to adapt your business to the demands of the current market.

Don’t let your business come to an end, we can be your best ally in dealing with the crisis.

Call us at (347) 943-2545 and live a Grandio experience. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to find out about our news.

You might also be interested: Which Companies Will Survive The Pandemic?

Foto de Negocios creado por mindandi – www.freepik.es

